Your heart’s gone the colour of coca-cola

Long time, no yadda yadda.

Looks like I’m dropping out of law school, folks. I could do a long one right now, explain in full my reasoning and shit, but I don’t much want to. I have one very uncomfortable and disappointing conversation ahead of me, and I’m not much looking forward to that.

In the barest, simplest summation: legalism won’t save us and we’re on a ticking clock, folks. Doesn’t hurt my case that Denver DSA literally got a Clause 4-esque bit of language added to the Denver Democratic Party Platform, doesn’t hurt that Jack Stanton is gonna run for office, doesn’t hurt that the electoral strategy looks more wide open than at any point since perhaps the 1930’s–maybe the 1910’s even. No, none of the particulars on the ground do much to convince me that I’m wrong or that I’m crazy.

But I still feel defeated and sad and disappointed. So, yanno, whatever.